I’m back. It’s been a while, I know. Things behind the scenes were, I promise you, cooking along for the last two months of 2020, which kept me from doing much of any other writing. 2021 brings a very busy ‘virtual’ lecture schedule, so I might ‘see’ some of you in the coming few months. Currently I offer two lectures, but there will definitely be more added.

Lectures are a live PowerPoint presentation filled with tips, tricks and new images of real studio situations, most of which are not included in my book Love Your Creative Space (with C&T Publishing). I’m excited to share what I have found with the makers of this world.

My long awaited and anticipated segment on TheQuiltShow.com went live on January 1, 2021! The show is the TQS 2021 BOM launch and features the fabulous and exclusive design, Color My World, by the incredibly talented Australian artist, Wendy Williams. Due to COVID-19 Wendy was not able to make the trip to join us in the studio. The TQS BOM Pattern tester, blogger and quilt teacher extraordinaire, Barbara Black, stepped in to share Wendy’s tips, tricks and piecing techniques. My segment on organizing comes later in the show.

Did I mention that this show (#2801), is FREE and AVAILABLE for ANYONE to watch until Dec. 31, 2021!!! I’d love for you to watch, share the link with your friends and help me promote my 15 minutes of fame.
Here’s the link:
There is more to come later in the spring, but I’ll hold off on that bit of news for now. For now, I wish you all very Happy 2021! May this year be that warm ray of sunshine we have all been craving for so long.